Author Archives: Daniel Bessmert

Exit Podcast

The Exit: Fintech guru, Daniel Bessmert, shares his experience founding and scaling 3 companies all in the finance and payment space, and then exiting.

Some successfully and some less though. Listen to find out what he’s learnt from his long career and why he always tests to verify, and how to structure deals.

Daniel is the current CEO of Great Week, which is a banking, payments, and accounting platform for business owners. Their platform is thoughtfully designed with businesses in mind in order for companies and people to grow. Their mission is to give their clients administration tools, so they can focus on what they do best and love the most.

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The Exit—Presented By Flippa: A 30-minute podcast featuring expert entrepreneurs who have been there and done it. The Exit talks to operators who have bought and sold a business.

You’ll learn how they did it, why they did it, and get exposure to the world of exits, a world occupied by a small few, but accessible to many. To listen to the podcast or get daily listing updates, click on

Other articles about Daniel & Greatweek:

Silicon Valley Times:
7 Figures: 

How to Automate Invoicing and Subscriptions


Are you tired of manually creating invoices for your clients? We feel your pain! That’s why we built a tool to automate the process.

Invoice automation is a simple and effective way to boost your productivity. The process is simple: Sign up for a Great Week account and fill out an invoice template with your client’s details, save it as a draft, then send it off when ready. It’s that easy!

You can even manage multiple clients at once when using our invoice automation software. Create, edit and send invoices in one go. No more having to do the same thing over again!

Takeaway: Not only does this save time on the manual creation of each invoice, but also ensures that all documents are consistent over time and include all necessary information. This helps increase client satisfaction and lower costs associated with billing mistakes or errors caused by human error or forgetting something important like client address or account number changes etcetera… It also saves time on correcting mistakes if they exist because they are instantly detected before being printed off (which often happens if paper-based systems are used). In addition, we offer automatic reminders/reminders so you don’t have to worry about missing deadlines due to being busy working on other projects/projects with tight deadlines which take away from their attention span directed towards needed work (because you’re busy doing other things instead)…

The problem with invoicing

Invoicing is a time-consuming and repetitive task.

If you don’t automate your invoicing, you could be losing out on cash flow and missing out on opportunities to bill for work that has been done.

Automate your invoicing

You know the importance of automating your invoicing. You also know that there’s no reason to not automate it because it’ll save you time and money.

But how do you get started?

Creating a great invoice

An invoice is a document that shows the details of an agreement to provide goods or services. The invoice includes:

  • Date and method of payment (for example, cash or check)
  • Contact information for both parties involved in the transaction
  • Itemized list of items/services sold and their cost
  • Shipping costs if applicable

What to include in your invoice

  • The date. Your invoice should include the date on which it was issued. This helps to establish the timeline of events and makes it easier for your customer to verify whether they paid you by a certain date, or if their credit card was charged at a certain time.
  • The customer’s name and address (and other identifying information). Including this will make it easier for your customers to recognize their invoices in case they’re opened out of order or in batches with other invoices from different businesses since this info will be consistent across all your invoices.
  • A unique invoice number that you assigned to the transaction—ideally one that references both the purchasing party’s name and transaction amount (but don’t just start at #1 because then those numbers are hard to track!). The more specific your invoice number is when referencing its purpose (i.e., “#123456 – 3 widgets sold”), the better-organized things will be later down the line when reviewing past transactions sent out through automation software programs like
  • An explanation of any taxes/fees associated with each itemized line item within an invoice total so there won’t be any confusion later on after receiving payment from customers who may not understand how much additional fees might apply based on where they live and where taxes vary greatly between states within America alone! This also helps ensure that people don’t have surprises waiting around corners once they receive their bills after processing payments through automated tools such as QBO/SFA.”

A request for payment due date and/or an invoice number that the customer can reference if they want to pay earlier than the date you specified.

How to automate invoicing

The best way to automate your invoicing is to start by automating the most important aspects of your business. This means setting up a system for:

  • Collecting client data
  • Creating quotes and proposals
  • Sending emails and reminders about invoicing (so you can stay on top of it!)

Get paid faster with Great Week Send Later feature

You can also use the Send Later feature to send invoices at a better time. Here are some times that you might want to send an invoice:

  • The end of the month
  • The 1st of the month
  • The 15th of the month

Invoicing is a critical part of your business, but it shouldn’t be difficult. Automating it saves you time and headaches. Great Week has a free 30-day trial.

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you probably have a lot on your plate. You’re running a business, keeping up with customers and suppliers, managing projects—the list goes on. The last thing you need is to spend precious time manually inputting invoices into your accounting software. Fortunately, there’s an easier way: automation.

Automating your invoicing can save you hours of time each week, freeing up more time for what really matters: growing your business! Whether you’re using Quicken or QuickBooks Online (QBO), Great Week has a free 30-day trial that lets you try out their service with no commitments and no credit card required. No matter which platform or app combination works best for your needs, Great Week offers great features like automatic invoice creation from emails and expenses imported directly from mobile devices—all without requiring any additional hardware or software installations!


There you have it, the basics of how to automate your invoicing. Remember, there are many ways to do this and it doesn’t have to be a long process. You can start today by using Great Weeks’ Send Later feature!

How to open a business in the USA from overseas

Are you a startup or scaleup, registered outside the US, and wish to establish a US entity to get revenue from the large American market? Well, we can help. we work specifically with startups and scaleups that are looking into entering the American Market. We handle all the necessary documentation needed to get you up and running, we set up bank accounts for your business and handle all accounting and tax submissions. Most of our clients set up their businesses in Delaware as there is 0% sales tax from operating in the US (mainly related to digital goods).

“If you are thinking about opening up a business in the USA, and you don’t live there, you might wonder how it could be possible to do that. I was thinking the same thing just a few months ago ̶ even as I had an established little company in the UK working on e-commerce webshops. It felt like a challenge for me as I traveled so much for conferences and workshops. How would I set up a company in the states then?” Happy that I found Great Week, who took care of all admin stuff, and now my business is thriving.

Alex Bridgewater – Founder of Cakedrive Dot Com

Here is how it works, step by step:
Find out what type of business you want to register. Usually, this means LLC or C corp as we recommend our clients to go with Delaware incorporation.
Choose your business name. You can change the business name later, but it’s always a good business name, from the start. You can always operate through a different “Doing Business As” name, but the formal business name should appear on all your formal documents.
We apply for an employer identification number (EIN) on your behalf.
We open a business bank account and issue debit cards for you to spend on business expenses.
Set up business accounting. You can outsource this to someone else, but if you keep everything with us it usually works out cheaper and definitely smoother!
Takeaway: It costs less than 500 USD to get set up and running. If you don’t want to do bookkeeping and just Tax reporting you can have a business in the US for approx 600 USD per year. With bookkeeping it will be approximately 1500 USD per year (smaller businesses of max 40K USD revenue per year. Keeping cost aside, the administrative burden and counting the internal cost of managing an entity in the US can be scary. That’s why we made the process smooth and simple. Get in touch with us for a free consultation, or signup for a free account on